B5 Online Educational Services 09 23 2013

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An online academic counseling program (Live Help) was developed collaboratively. Counselors districtwide are live during designated days and times throughout the week to assist students. All sessions are live and recorded. A variety of data is collected. This online counseling program has impacted students in that they are able to access student support services off site and during non-traditional hours. The purpose of the online probation workshop is to provide students on Level 1 (Academic and/or Progress) Probation with information regarding probation. After the student reviews the workshop, completes and passes the quiz, and answers the satisfaction survey, the student's probation hold will be cleared for registration purposes. We also implemented an Online Orientation that provides an interactive orientation for all students. Assessment of SLOs are incorporated into the new program. There are five major components included ranging from Getting Started and Campus Life to Academic Programs and Services.
Presenters: Brent Nabors, Dr. Erica Johnson, Doris Griffin, Kelly Fowler