Student Support (Re)Defined: Facilitated Student Panel -- Student Perspectives on Their Success

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Student Support (Re)Defined has been a popular and widely discussed study conducted by the Research and Planning Group (RP Group) for California Community Colleges on student perspectives of what makes them successful. Study researchers Darla Cooper and Rogéair Purnell will provide a brief overview of the study's findings including the six success factors and five key themes that are at the core of this research. They will then lead a panel of current community college students in a facilitated discussion around these factors and themes. Students will share their experiences related to the most important factors contributing to their success, including deciding and staying focused on an education and career goal, feeling a sense of belonging and actively participating in their learning, and feeling nurtured and valued. We will ask them to describe how college staff and faculty in particular have helped foster their success and identify what other students need to know to succeed.