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Math 40 6.5 Solving rational equationsMath 40 6.5 Solving rational equations

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.4C Long division part twoMath 40 6.4C Long division part two

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College

Author: Cliffe, Tim
College: Grossmont College
Math 40 6.4B Long division part oneMath 40 6.4B Long division part one

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.4A Divide a polynomial by a monomialMath 40 6.4A Divide a polynomial by a monomial

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.3C When can you eliminate the denominatorMath 40 6.3C When can you eliminate the denominator

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.3B Working with negative exponentsMath 40 6.3B Working with negative exponents

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.3A Complex FractionsMath 40 6.3A Complex Fractions

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.2C Add or subtract rational expressions with different denominatorsMath 40 6.2C Add or subtract rational expressions with different denominators

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.2B Finding the least common denominator LCDMath 40 6.2B Finding the least common denominator LCD

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 6.2A Add or subtract rational expressions with same or opposite denominatorsMath 40 6.2A Add or subtract rational expressions with same or opposite denominators

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.8C Solving application problems by factoring part twoMath 40 5.8C Solving application problems by factoring part two

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.8B Solving application problems by factoring part oneMath 40 5.8B Solving application problems by factoring part one

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.8A Solve polynomial equations by factoringMath 40 5.8A Solve polynomial equations by factoring

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.7C Summary of factoring and exponent rulesMath 40 5.7C Summary of factoring and exponent rules

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.7B Factoring sum and difference of cubesMath 40 5.7B Factoring sum and difference of cubes

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.7A Factoring perfect square trinomials and difference of two squaresMath 40 5.7A Factoring perfect square trinomials and difference of two squares

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.6D Factoring quadratic type expressionsMath 40 5.6D Factoring quadratic type expressions

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.6C Factoring general quadratics part twoMath 40 5.6C Factoring general quadratics part two

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
Math 40 5.6B Factoring general quadratics part oneMath 40 5.6B Factoring general quadratics part one

Author: Shrout, Cindy
College: Cypress College
